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4-Flower (Dh.44-59) 四、华品
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4-Flower (Dh.44-59)

44. Who shall overcome this earth, the realm of Yama and this sphere of men and gods? Who shall bring to perfection the well-taught path of wisdom asanexpert garland-maker would a floral design? 45. The Striver-on-the-Path shall overcome this earth, the realm of Yama and this sphere of men and gods. The striver-on-thepath shall bring to perfection the well-taught path of wisdom, as an expert garland-maker would afloral design. ere︰conj.在...以前。

inflict︰给予 (打击),使遭受。 floral︰花的。 The striver-on-the-path︰须陀洹道,不是原文 ‘Sekho’「有学」 (belonging to training)的正确翻译。 Yama,【阳】阎摩 (死亡王国的统治者 )( therulerof the kingdom of thedead)。


〈44~ 45〉 44谁征服地界3,阎魔界.天界,谁善说法句,如巧匠4采花? 45有学5克地界,阎魔界6.天界,有学说法句,如巧匠采花7。

Aciram vat’ayam kayo pathavim adhisessati chuddho apetavibbano nirattham vakalivgaram.此句常为南传佛教国家比丘为临终者诵念的法句。

2邪行:micchapanihitam,不正行、邪道、恶业,在此指「瞋恚」。正行 则指善业。

3谁征服地界:Koimampathavim vijessati。征服:为「以智如实了解、作 证」。地界︰地界即自己(attabhavasavkhatam pathavim)。

4 巧匠:指花艺的师傅。

5有学:Sekho,即证悟初果向、初果、二果向、二果、三果向、三果、四 果向。无学:即证悟四果(阿拉汉)。无学:即证悟四果(阿拉汉)。

6阎魔界:Yamaloka(Yama阎罗王+loka世间),阎罗王的世间,指地狱、 饿鬼、畜生、阿修罗。DhA:Y YYYYam amamamamal alalalalo ooook kkkka aaaaG bbbbc cccca aaaaticatubbidham apayalokabca.(阎 罗王的世间:及四种苦界的世间)

7 sekho dhammapadam sudesitam, kusalo puppham iva pacessati.(有学说法 句,有如花匠编制花圈)。亦即「有学」(证得须陀洹道至阿拉汉道)已知 法、见法,所以说法自然巧妙。

46. Realizing that this body is like froth, penetrating its mirage- like nature, and plucking out Mara’s flower-tipped arrows (of sensuality), gobeyond sight oftheKing ofDeath! 47. As a mighty flood sweeps away the sleeping village, so death carry away the person of distracted mind who only plucks the flowers (ofpleasure). 48. The Destroyer brings under his sway the person of distracted mind who, insatiate in sense desires, only plucks the flowers (ofpleasure). 49. As a bee gathers honey from the flower without injuring its colour or fragrance, even so the sage goes on alms-rounds in the village. 50. Let none find fault with others; let none see the omissions and commissions of others. But let one see his own acts, done and undone. froth︰n.v.泡沫。 mirage︰n.海市蜃楼。 pluck︰v.摘。 sway︰v.动摇。 fragrance︰n.芬芳。







2本偈说一位比丘精进用功,却感觉进步很少,他不满意,他想要去见佛 陀,请佛陀换个禅法。在路上,他见到海市蜃楼,他明白那是水的幻影 而已,也反省到身体也是生老病死的幻像。这时,佛陀放光跟他说:「比 丘!照这样继续用功,身体如泡沫、幻影,它的自性是出生及分离。」 听完偈颂之后,他正念现前,不久,就证得阿拉汉果。

3如瀑流睡村:熟睡的村人为瀑流冲走而不知。此偈故事为憍萨弥罗国波 斯匿王请求与释迦族的一位公主结婚。傲慢的释迦族王子们却送给他一 位摩诃男与一婢女所生的美丽的女孩。后来,这女孩末利夫人 (Mallika) 生下一位琉璃王子(Vitatubha)。王子十六岁时,被派去拜访外祖父摩诃 男和释迦族的王子们。偶然琉璃王子知道他为婢女所生的真相后,极端 愤怒,发誓要灭释迦族。后来他当了国王,发兵歼灭释迦族。他和军队 在返国的途中驻扎在阿致罗筏底河 (Aciravati)床。当晚,河水暴涨把他 和军队一齐冲入大海。



6舍卫城里有位富有的女士,是邪命者巴未亚 (Paveyya)的供养者。她也想 去听佛陀开示,但几次都被巴未亚阻止。就要儿子去请佛陀到家里来接 受供养,佛陀宣说随喜。她听到佛陀用悦耳的声音说法时,说:「善哉! 善哉!」隔壁的巴未亚听到她喜悦的叫声时,他愤怒地出走,一路跟她 和佛陀咀咒。佛陀劝诫她不要理睬,应该正念现前地观照自己的善恶行 为。听完佛陀说法后,她证得初果。

51. Like a beautiful flower full of colour but without fragrance, even so, fruitless are the fair words of one who does not practice them. 52. Like a beautiful flower full of colour and also fragrant, even so, fruitful arethe fair wordsofone who practices them. 53. As from a great heap of flowers many garlands can be made, even so should manygood deeds be done by one borna mortal. 54. Not the sweet smell of flowers, not even the fragrance of sandal, tagara or jasmine blows against the wind. But the fragrance of the virtuous blows against the wind. Truly, virtuouspervades all directions with the fragrance ofhis virtue. 55.Of all the fragrances --sandal, tagara, blue lotus and jasmine -the fragrance ofvirtueis by far thesweetest.

56. Faint is the fragrance of tagara and sandal, but the fragrance ofthe virtuousis excellent, wafting even among thegods. 57. Mara never finds the path of the truly virtuous, who abide in heedfulness and are freed by perfect knowledge. mortal︰凡人,致命的。 waft︰吹送,飘送。

〈51~ 52〉 51犹如鲜妙花,色美而无香,如是说善语,彼不行无果1。 52犹如鲜妙花,色美而芳香,如是说善语,彼实行有果。2


〈54~ 55〉 54花香不逆风,栴檀.多伽罗,末利香4亦尔。德香逆风薰, 彼正人之香,遍闻于诸方。 55栴檀.多伽罗,拔悉基5.青莲,如是诸香中,戒香为最上。




1如是说善语,彼不行无果︰会说善语,但若不依照所说的去实践,则不 会有好结果。

2 51-52偈为世尊派阿难尊者到王宫跟末利夫人 (Mallika)与禹翅剎利夫人 (Vasabhakhattiya)说法,末利夫人态度认真,但是禹翅剎利夫人不认真。 世尊知道之后,因而说了此偈。

3本偈为世尊赞美毘舍佉优婆夷 (Visakha upasika)强烈做善事的话。 4栴檀、多伽罗 (沉香 ):candanam tagara皆是木香之名。末利迦:mallika,茉

莉花(mallika=vassika(夏生花),Arabian jasmine,芳香的白色小的香花 )。 5拔悉基:vassiki,意为「雨季花」。 6阿难尊者问佛陀有没有顺风香,逆风也香的东西,佛陀说偈。 (DhpA.vv.

54-55., A.3.79.Gandha香,《别译杂阿含 12经》,《增壹阿含 23.5经》, No.116.《佛说戒香经》,

《佛说戒德香经》,No.117.《本事经》卷六 (T17.693)) 7大迦叶尊者到贫民区去托钵,帝释天王夫妇就乔装穷人家,供养他。 8魔不知所趣:解脱的阿拉汉不会再生,魔王找不到他死后去处。 9瞿低迦长老 (Godhikatthera)六度触证到「暂时的心解脱」 (samayika cetovimutti),六度退转,第七次才证到「永久的心解脱」 (asamayavimutti),当他证得时,他不愿意再退转,于是用刀自尽,世尊肯定他的证悟。

weary︰a.疲倦的。 resolutely︰adv.坚决地。 solitarycourse(ekacariyam)︰独行。

〈58~ 59〉

58犹如粪秽聚,弃着于大道,莲华生其中,香洁而悦意。 59如是粪秽等,盲昧凡夫中,正觉者弟子,以智慧光照。

58. Upon a heap of rubbish in the road-side ditch blooms a lotus, fragrant and pleasing. 59. Even so, onthe rubbish heap ofblinded mortals the disciple of the Supremely Enlightened One shines resplendent in wisdom.


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上一篇:5-TheFool (Dh.60-75) 五、愚品
下一篇:3-TheMind (Dh.33-43) 三、心品
 14 -TheBuddha (Dh.179-196) 十四、佛陀品..
 12 -TheSelf (Dh.157-166) 十二、自己品..
 8 -TheThousands (Dh.100-115) 八、千品..
 11 -OldAge (Dh.146-156) 十一、老品
 22 -TheStateofWoe (Dh.306-319) 二十二、..
 中英对照 Dhammapada《法句经》序
 25 -TheMonk (Dh.360-382) 二十五、比丘品..
 15 -Happiness (Dh.197-208) 十五、乐品..
 7 -TheArahat(Dh.90-99) 七、阿拉汉品
 4-Flower (Dh.44-59) 四、华品
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