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14 -TheBuddha (Dh.179-196) 十四、佛陀品
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14 -TheBuddha (Dh.179-196)

179. By what track can you trace that trackless Buddha of limitless range, whose victorynothing can undo, whom none of the vanquished defilements can ever pursue? 180. By what track can you trace that trackless Buddha of limitless range, in whom exists no longer the entangling and embroiling craving that perpetuates becoming? 181. Those wise ones who are devoted to meditation and who delight in the calm of renunciation --such mindful ones, Supreme Buddhas, even the gods hold dear.

generosity︰ n.慷慨。 Stream-entry(sotapatti)︰ the first stage of supramundaneattainment.(须陀洹︰出世间体证的第一阶 ) sovereignty︰n.主权,统治权。 entangle︰v.缠住。 embroil︰v.使混乱。 perpetuate︰v.使永久存在。


〈179~180〉 179彼之胜利无能胜,败者于世无可从,佛智无边.无行迹4, 汝复以何而诳惑? 180彼已不具于结缚,爱欲难以诱使去,佛智无边.无行迹, 汝复以何而诳惑?

1一乘法:ekam dhammam(一法),是指真理 (saccam谛)。

2在舍卫城,信佛法者日增,信外道者日减。于是外道就怂恿一位美丽的 女信徒辛迦摩娜薇卡 (Cibcamanavika)假装跟佛陀怀孕,并要佛陀当众出丑。正在聚众说法的场面,她出面指责佛陀,但是正当此时,绑在她的腰部的绳子断了,她的技俩就被拆穿了。大众中很多人谴责她。这时候, 她担心自己的安危,赶快逃跑。但跑不了多远,就不幸发生意外而惨死。

3预流果:sotapattiphalam,即初果、须陀洹果,证悟预流果即入圣人的行列,它断除了三结──身见 (我见,以为有永恒不变的我 )、疑 (怀疑因果、 缘起、佛 .法.僧)、戒禁取见 (邪因以为正因,邪道以为正道 )。

4佛智无边 .无行迹:佛陀的智慧无边 (指具有「一切知智」 sabbabbuta-bana)。 无行迹 (anantagocaram)指无任何贪爱、无明之行为。

181智者修禅定1,喜出家.寂静2,正念 .正觉者,天人所敬爱。

182. Hard is it to be born a human; hard is the life of mortals. Hardis it togain theopportunity tohear the Sublime Truth, and hard to encounter is the arising of theBuddhas. 183. To avoid all evil, to cultivate good, and to cleanse his mind - this is theteaching ofthe Buddhas. 184. Enduring patience is the highest austerity. “Nibbana is supreme,” say the Buddhas. He is not a true monk who harms another, nor a realrenunciate who oppresses others. 185. Notdespising, not harming, restraint according to thecode of monastic discipline, moderation in food, dwelling in solitude, devotionto meditation --this is theteaching ofthe Buddhas. 186-187. There is no satisfying sensual desires, even with a rain of gold coins. For sensual pleasures give little satisfaction and much pain. Having understood this, the wise man finds no delight even in heavenly pleasures. The disciple ofthe Supreme Buddha delights in the destruction ofcraving.

1修禅定:DhA.:「凡是彻底从事禅那︰即思虑「相」、思虑「所缘」,在这 两种禅那上,会合应用:转向、进入 (定)、立足 (定)、出定、省察 (等五自在 )。」 2出家寂静:nekkhammupasama,离欲 .寂静。

endure︰v.忍耐,持续。 austerity︰n.苦行。




184诸佛说涅槃最上,忍辱为最高苦行。害他实非出家者, 恼他不名为沙门。

185不诽与不害,严持于戒律3,饮食知节量,远处而独居, 勤修增上定4,是为诸佛教。5

1霍香叶龙王 (Erakapatta伊罗鉢多)在迦叶佛时为一比丘,因后悔拔霍香叶, 持戒不圆满,死后投生为一条独木舟大小的龙王。霍香叶龙王派美丽的 女儿每半个月到人间唱歌跳舞,兼出问题,如果可以全部解答就可能娶 她为妻。题目是︰「谁是主宰王?谁是染污王?怎样评论离染?怎样评论 愚蠢?」一位年轻人正要走去回答问题。佛陀观察他有证果的潜力,于是 在中途拦下,告诉他正确答案︰「主宰六门者称王。受染污者为染污王。 无染者为离染。染者称为愚蠢。」他当下就证初果。他对龙女的欲望也消 失,不够他仍然前往回答。龙王知道有佛陀已出世,就跟他去见佛陀。佛 陀说此偈。 (《佛本行集经》卷第三十七 ~八,T3.825.3 ff.;cf.《大比丘三 千威仪》卷上 ,T24.913.2)

2 Sabbapapassa akaranam, kusalassa upasampada, sacittapariyodapanam, etam Buddhanasasanam.本偈一般流传:「诸恶莫作,众善奉行,自净其意, 是诸佛教。」原意是︰「一切恶不作,具足众善,净化自心,这是一切佛陀所教示的。」

3严持于戒律︰patimokkheca samvaro,即比丘守护比丘戒 (波罗提木叉 )。

4增上定︰即增上心( adhicitta)指禅定,四禅、四空定。

5有一次,阿难尊者请教佛陀,过去七佛的父母、寿量、菩提、声闻众、 上首声闻众、上首侍者、所有的讲说、不说布萨、为什幺他们不说布萨? 其他的佛陀又如何?佛陀回答说,所有诸佛的佛法都是一样的,佛陀马

〈186~187〉 186即使雨金钱,欲心不满足。智者知淫欲,乐少而苦多! 187故彼于天欲,亦不起希求。正觉者弟子,希灭于爱欲。1

188. Driven by fear, do men go for refuge to many places --to hills, woods, groves, trees and shrines. 189. Such, indeed, is no safe refuge; such is not the refuge supreme. Not by resorting to such a refuge is one released from all suffering. 190-191. He who have gone for refuge to the Buddha, his Teaching and his Order, penetrates with transcendental wisdom the Four Noble Truths --suffering, the cause of suffering, the cessation of suffering, and the Noble Eightfold Path leading to the cessation of suffering.

192. This indeed is the safe refuge, this is the refuge supreme. Having gone tosuch a refuge, one is released fromall suffering. 193. Hard to find is the thoroughbred man (the Buddha), he is not born everywhere. Where such a wise man is born, that clan thrives happily. 194. Blessed is the birth of the Buddhas; blessed is the enunciation of the sacred Teaching; blessed is harmony in the Order; and blessed is the spiritual pursuit of the united truth上 背诵过去诸佛在说法时所开讲的一些偈语。 1一位比丘因父亲过世,留遗产给他和弟弟,起初他说他不需要,后来, 他想想如果有钱日子就好过,因此就闷闷不乐。佛陀就给他一些告诫。



〈188~ 192〉 188诸人恐怖故,去皈依山岳,或依于森林,园苑.树支提1。 189此非安稳依,此非最上依,如是皈依者,不离一切苦。 190若人皈依佛,皈依法及僧,由于正智慧,得见四圣谛2。 191苦与苦之因,以及苦之灭,并八支圣道,能令苦寂灭。 192此皈依安稳,此皈依无上,如是皈依者,解脱一切苦。3


1树支提︰树塔庙,建庙于树边,祭树神。在台湾也有拜树头公。 2四圣谛:苦、集(苦因)、灭(苦灭--涅槃)、道(苦灭之道--八支圣道)。时时 能实践四圣谛,不久即可使苦灭绝。

3火授婆罗门(Aggidattabrahmana)是摩诃憍萨罗王(Mahakosala)的国师,摩 诃憍萨罗王是波斯匿王的父亲。摩诃憍萨罗王逝世后,火授弃产,离家, 成为苦行者。他住处附近有一只凶猛的伞蛇(ahichatta),火授向弟子说: 「皈依山岳、森林、园林、树,如此,你们就可以解除所有的痛苦。」 有一天,佛陀跟大目犍连尊者就到火授的住处,借宿一夜。火授原本不答应,后来带他们去伞蛇住的地方。这只伞蛇被大目犍连尊者降伏。隔天,佛陀告诫火授:「只有依止佛法僧的人才能从世间苦解脱出来。」 说法毕,火授和他的弟子们证得阿拉汉果,他们也都加入僧伽为比丘。

4圣人︰purisajabbo(purisa+jabba,纯粹的﹑贵族的),优秀的人,指佛陀。 5 DhA.:yat yatyatyatyatt tttth hhhha aaaas sssso ooooj jjjja aaaayat yatyatyatyati iiiid ddddh hhhhN iiiir rrrro oooouttamapabbo sammasambuddho.(智者所生 处:最上智的佛陀。)

6有一天,阿难尊者想到一个问题:「佛陀告诉我们,纯种的大象生长在参达塔种(Chaddantakule)和优萨陀种(Uposathakule),纯种马生长在信度种(Sindhavakule)和哇拉卡沙王种 (Valahakassarajakule),纯种牛生长在南 方(dakkhinapathe),但却未提及最尊贵的人 (purisajabbo)到底生长在何 处?」于是,他就前去请教佛陀。佛陀说此偈。


1诸比丘讨论「在世间的幸福是什幺?」 (“kim nu kho imasmim loke sukhan”ti),佛陀说此偈。

〈195~ 196〉

195供养应供者──脱离于虚妄,超越诸忧患,佛及佛弟子。 196若供养如是──寂静无畏者,其所得功德,无能测量者。 1


195-196. He who revere those worthy of reverence, the Buddhas and their disciples, who have transcended all obstacles and passed beyond the reach of sorrow and lamentation --he who revere such peaceful and fearless ones, his merit none can compute by any measure.



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上一篇:15 -Happiness (Dh.197-208) 十五、乐品
下一篇:13 -TheWorld (Dh.167-178) 十三、世品
 6-TheWiseMan (Dh.76-89) 六、智者品
 14 -TheBuddha (Dh.179-196) 十四、佛陀品..
 18 -Impurity (Dh.235-255) 十八、垢秽品..
 中英对照 Dhammapada《法句经》序
 24 -Craving (Dh.334-359) 二十四、爱欲品..
 19 -TheJust(Dh.256-272) 十九、法住品
 8 -TheThousands (Dh.100-115) 八、千品..
 25 -TheMonk (Dh.360-382) 二十五、比丘品..
 13 -TheWorld (Dh.167-178) 十三、世品..
 10 -Violence (Dh.129-145) 十、刀杖品..
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 述说唯识二十颂 第二颂[栏目:刚晓法师]



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