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杂感 Some Reflections
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Some Reflections


To receive proper treatment for my ailment and also to find a quiet place for my translation work, I have been living in Xiamen for more than 110 days.


It has been an easy and tranquil life for me—no massive office work to manage, nor packs of Buddhists to receive. It was not until a few days ago that I had to resume the title of Khenpo, when someone spotted me down the street.


An invitation was extended to me for lunch today at the Nanputuo Vegetarian Restaurant. I accepted it readily, as I haven’t had any visitors for a while and perhaps was feeling kind of lonely. On my way I saw caged snakes and birds that I bought and brought along. Having the opportunity to save these once-doomed creatures, I felt it was worth the trip.


After releasing the snakes and birds in the woods on the mountainside, I went to the Nanputuo Vegetarian Restaurant. It had an elegant and serene decor, making one relaxed both physically and mentally. There were no heart-rending shrills from creatures being slaughtered to hear, no pungent odor from blood and carcasses to smell, no silent struggles of motherly beings to witness…. The chefs and attendants were all beaming with warm, sincere smiles; dishes embellished with color and flavor whetted our appetite. The faces sitting around the table were devoid of the ferocious countenance of meat eaters; instead, they all looked peaceful and easygoing. The whole restaurant was suffused with an air of auspiciousness and harmony.


Sitting with us was a professor from Xiamen University. He said thoughtfully: “It is most important that we use The Words of My Perfect Teacher as a guide to build a strong foundation of spiritual practice. Considering that the great masters like Patrul Rinpoche even learned oral teachings on it for 25 times from his master, what needs to be said about us ordinary people? I have read it five or six times by now. It has helped me tremendously in subduing my negative emotions and in dealing with difficult situations of daily life. In the past, I have always sought empowerment or so-called profound practices; I was steeped deeply in conceptual thinking and unaware of the graduated path of practice. It dawns on me only now that there are no other higher teachings than this. If one faithfully follows its steps, achievement will come for certain….”


Hearing what he had to say, I felt rather delighted. My joy did not come from his profuse praise to me, but rather, from the fact that a Han Chinese was keen about The Words of My Perfect Teacher, even though he had not been to Larung Gar personally. It was even unusual that he had quite an astute and profound insight. In Tibetan monasteries, The Words of My Perfect Teacher is a required course in the annual curriculum with very high priority. Such a tradition is now being adopted into Han China; it’s something worth rejoicing and to be happy about.


As it seems, this lay practitioner not only is learned in worldly knowledge, but also possesses great spiritual wisdom.


2nd of March, Year of RenWu
April 14, 2002

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