Piling up Miseries
People in this world always enjoy accumulating wealth. Day in and day out, they toil like diligent bees and ants with no end in sight. But eventually, humans plunder the honey collected by bees and downpours wash away the formicaries built by ants. The adage goes: “Humans will die for wealth, as birds for food.” The result of amassing belongings is nothing but immeasurable suffering.
Bodhisattva Thogme Zangpo says: “Fame and fortune are the sources of fetters, cut off your cravings. A good reputation is utterly meaningless, cut off your covetousness. Unable to be content with less, amassing wealth will only intensify anguish. The recipe for happiness and greater virtues is to cultivate contentment. If you follow this instruction, joy will always be with you. Therefore, abandon completely your craving for fame and fortune in this life; practice the Dharma unwaveringly and diligently at all times. This is the Dharma that will truly benefit you at the time of death.”
Chijapa says: “Money is illusory but you insatiably crave it still; all of the things you have amassed so diligently must be left behind. You work yourself to death only to have others enjoy the fruits of your labor. Remember them well, my advice from the heart!”
The most Venerable Rendawa also says: “Your possessions should be no more than the three monk’s robes, an alms bowl, and other minimal living necessities. Do not keep any gold, jewelry, or any other items, even as tiny as a sesame seed.”
The learned master Xunnezhe has taught: “Telling lies and acting untruthfully causes your life to become perverted. Using donated funds carelessly diminishes your virtues. You must uproot cravings for delicious cuisine. To regard food and clothing as useless stuff discarded to the corner wall is the right attitude.”
Stop working so hard in order to hoard belongings! Just live an easy and carefree life!
29th of March, Year of RenWu
May 11, 2002