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六一 June 1st
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June 1st


Today is June 1st, Children’s Day, many children are out on the street playing. Seeing their innocent and smiling faces reminds me of my own experience of this particular day.


Before the age of 15, I did not receive any formal education and was oblivious to what was going on out in the world. I had never heard about the so-called Children’s Day, nor did I know of its existence until I went to elementary school at age 15.


I remember it was a particularly bright and sunny day. While not technically a “child” at my age, I managed to mingle with a group of authentic children; we sang songs together and waited for herdsmen nearby to give us our long-craved yogurt. Being much older, I was almost as tall as the teacher, yet I had to pretend to act like a child. Now as I recall what I went through that day, I still think it’s amusing. Later, I moved on to Zong Ta Middle School, a moment that signified the end of my “childhood” period.


Today, I’m already in my 40s; the life of a child free from worries, sorrow, or burdens has long become a vague and remote dream. However, what makes me feel most grateful is that I have become a Buddhist and have luckily met many revered teachers, which enable me to be immersed in the Dharma nectar unceasingly for the rest of my life.


How are my childhood friends doing these days? Sometimes I wonder. Are they as fortunate as I have been? As to the children I saw today, how many of them will be able to enjoy the sweetness of Dharma? The answer may not be entirely satisfactory. Many children, due to a lack of proper guidance, are likely to end up in the same rut as their parents—being dominated by negative emotions and deluded actions—and waste their precious human existence.


How fondly I remember the one Children’s Day that I enjoyed in a Buddhist domain where children were nourished by the Dharma nectar both at home and in school! On their special day they played on a little stage Buddhist stories and teachings. Their performances, though naive and simple, were nonetheless planting virtuous seeds in their minds and would prevent them from veering onto an unwholesome path in life. If this tradition of celebrating Children’s Day can be promulgated around the world, how wonderful it would be!


21st of April, Year of RenWu
June 1, 2002

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