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静思 Quiet Contemplation
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Quiet Contemplation


A shower enlivened the grass, making it look as if it had been sprinkled with a green dye. Flowers on the front porch and in the back yard bloomed lavishly. Sitting in the yard, I turned the pages of Sutra of Jewel Chest and read this passage: “In order to attain a peaceful and supple mind, a beginner should train in a solitary place.” Indeed, until we have merged appearances and mind, we should stay away from distracting surroundings.


Longchen Rabjam also states: “Before attaining realization, a person’s mind is easily influenced by external distractions. Therefore, one should stay put in a tranquil place first.” This advice is particularly apt for those who aspire to teach the Dharma and benefit beings. By initially practicing in solitude, one melds the master’s pith instructions into the mind. One sees that apart from the Dharma essence, there are no worldly appearances and all activities of walking, sitting, standing, or sleeping are none other than practices. When one perceives all things in nature and all cosmos in 10 directions as clear, pure appearances, one will be able to accomplish any undertaking effortlessly.


The great Geshe Shardong of Shyachung Monastery says in Essays on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment: “If one has become immune to external ills and has melded the Dharma with the mind, then his spreading the Dharma in big cities such as Beijing or Tianjin is a feat worth rejoicing. However, before attaining such realization, one should practice by oneself. It is great to teach the Dharma, but it is even better to practice solitarily.


Listening with all ears, I only heard the flapping wings of birds gliding over the sky now and then. Silence reigned everywhere. Looking around, the surroundings were cool and subdued, but for the flowers in the yard showing off unabashedly.


Larung Gar is the home of thousands of Dharma aspirants. Through the inconceivable blessings of our beloved Guru and the Three Jewels, people here are committed to the task of taming their own minds. Realized practitioners will still hide their accomplishment and keep a low profile, making Larung Valley an alcove attracting many spiritual seekers. I feel utterly fortunate that I am at this serene land and can be a member of this community!


25th of May, Year of RenWu
July 5, 2002

{返回 旅途脚印 Footprints on the Journey 文集}

上一篇:恒记 Remember Always
下一篇:濒死 Nearing Death
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 离亲 Forsaking Kinships
 花祭 Farewell Flowers
 最妙 Best Strategy
 关键 Key Points
 见师 Beholding the Guru
 自利 Self-Cultivation
 五四 May 4th
全文 标题
 涵芬集 第一部分 心法指归 三、谈智慧[栏目:徐恒志居士]
 第十三讲 与诸阿罗汉同行[栏目:现代佛法]
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 净土大经科注 第四一七集[栏目:净土大经科注讲记·净空法师]



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