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开光 Consecration Ceremony
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Consecration Ceremony


Dhomang Monastery held a consecration ceremony today for its newly finished Stupa of Shakyamuni Buddha. The date happened to be June 11 in the Tibetan calendar, which along with the 13th marks the annual Offering Day to Dharma Protectors. Dressed up in festival outfits and riding their strong horses, people from the nine villages of greater Luokema Village congregated on the prairie of Zuo Dang.


A variety of tents were set up two miles around the prairie. Under the full sun, ripples from the Ke Luo River sparkled brilliantly like shining jewels; the lush greens of the surrounding mountains resembled brocade draperies. Birds chirped in the woods, their melodious tones were like celestial music. Forty years ago, it was exactly such an exquisite, heavenly surrounding that attracted me, when I could hardly wait to emerge from my mother’s womb to arrive in this world.


As the offerings proceeded, pine braches were burned and its smoke spiraled up into the sky. Men holding flags of Dharma protectors performed circumambulation while tossing the prayer flags (lungtas) toward the sky. Shortly after, the whole prairie turned into an ocean of lungtas.


In a huge tent that could accommodate up to a thousand people, many men took oath once again to refrain from drinking and killing. Similar vow taking was done last year and it has brought impressive results, as there were hardly any cases of indiscriminate killing of the innocent in the past year. People have come to see drinking and taking lives as shameful conducts; now in this place once infamous for yak meat production, there are fewer offenses.


As the bloody atmosphere of the past has abated, the air seems more refreshing and pristine; the river, no longer running with the blood of sheep or yaks, appears more limpid and cool; the pretty field, free from the distant wails of animals, feels more peaceful. Were I still in my mother’s womb I, for one, would certainly pick this place again as my birthplace, as I am deeply in love with this land full of people blessed with kind and tender hearts.


11th of June, Year of RenWu
July 20, 2002

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