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Dharma Assembly
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Dharma Assembly

The Pure Land Puja is one of the four annual Dharma assemblies held regularly at the Larung Gar Five Sciences Buddhist Academy, and it usually takes place at the section of lay practitioners, the Laity Ling. Last year, this puja did not occur due to Rinpoche’s illness and other issues. This year, however, relevant authorities have issued permission and it will be held as usual, from today until the 31st, lasting for eight days.

Hearing this exciting news, devotees from various regions quickly informed one another and, bringing along both young and old, have been coming to the academy in droves. It is said that in two days more than 10-chartered buses have arrived.

The sunny slope of the Laity Ling is thronged with crowds and all hearts are filled with immense joy. Our beloved Guru Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche has not made an appearance due to his poor health. Venerable Jetsunma Mumso bestows upon the participants the Empowerment of Buddha Amitabha; everyone cherishes this opportunity and receives it with deep faith and devotion.

The daily schedule of the Pure Land Puja is as follows: 8 am, starting the recitation of The Aspiration of Samantabhadra; noontime, reciting The Practice for Swift Rebirth to Buddha Amitabha’s Pure Land by Terton Lerab Lingpa; afternoon, reciting Aspiration Prayer to Be Born in the Land of Bliss by Chagme Rinpoche and the Amitabha Buddha’s heart mantra; 6 pm, ending the day’s practice.

It is required that every participant recites the Buddha Amitabha’s heart mantra 300,000 times. Many scriptures state that if one accomplishes the required number of recitations and has met the four favorable conditions, one is destined to be reborn to Buddha Amitabha’s Pure Land of Great Bliss. The four conditions are: having clearly visualized the merit-field, having accumulated virtuous collections and purified obscurations, having generated bodhichitta, and having made pure wishes to be reborn to the Pure Land of Great Bliss. The Puja provides the outer circumstances to fulfill the four conditions. Each individual, on the other hand, should strive in his or her mind to fulfill the inner aspects.

Numerous examples have proven to us that by engaging in The Practice for Swift Rebirth to Buddha Amitabha’s Pure Land and by reciting the mantra earnestly, we will be reborn to the Pure Land through the sheer blessing of Buddha Amitabha.

The setting sun shines on the Larung Valley; its golden sunbeam reflects the maroon or yellow colored monastic robes, making the sight of the assembly exceedingly magnificent. When beholding such a spectacular scene, we cannot but feel invigorated and high-spirited!

May all beings be reborn to the Pure Land of Great Bliss!

18th of September, Year of RenWu
October 24, 2002

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