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Barren Field
{返回 Khenpo Sodargye Rinpoche 文集}

Barren Field

I have been fully occupied today by all kinds of trivial matters. I have no time to make any sense out of my jumbled thoughts, and no decent shoot has sprouted from the field of my mind.

14th of September, Year of RenWu
October 20, 2002

{返回 Khenpo Sodargye Rinpoche 文集}

上一篇:Concluding Remarks
下一篇:Fasting and Purification
 Heartfelt Advice on Worldly Codes o..
 The Material World in the Eyes of B..
 Faith and Life
 Buddhist View of the Science of Lif..
 Future Life and Pure Land Rebirth..
 Hong Kong University Question and A..
 Thoughts on Charity
 Explore the Treasure Within
 Concluding Remarks
 Question and answer at the Hong Kon..
全文 标题
 美国纽约庄严寺一九九四年冬季精进禅七 83.11.19─83.11.26[栏目:惟觉法语]
 体光老和尚 开示四十一[栏目:体光法师]
 目犍连(神通第一) 讲说七佛通戒[栏目:佛陀十大弟子传·星云大师著]
 伤害别人 最大的受害者是自己[栏目:慧语禅心]
 第九册 佛教问题探讨 第十三课 生死[栏目:佛光教科书 第九册]
 比丘尼传 5 梁 闲居寺僧述尼[栏目:比丘尼传·白话文]



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