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自家水祛百病 Your Saliva Can Cure Sickness
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Your Saliva Can Cure Sickness


There are no special techniques to sitting in meditation. It is best is to sit full lotus, where it is not easy to fall asleep and you can sit very firmly without falling over. When sitting in meditation, always curl the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth.


When a baby is born, the tips of their tongues are always pointed upwards. What is the use of this? This is connecting the Ren and Du meridians in our body. We cultivators know about the Ren and Du meridians within our body. With the tip of our tongue curled upwards, these two meridians are connected and can balance out and adjust the energy (qi) and blood circulation within us. When there is saliva, just swallow it. This saliva is known as our own water and in quantity, works as medicine and can cure all illness. This is something that you should not overlook.


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