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为什么要坐单? Why should one sleep sitting up?
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Why should one sleep sitting up?


The reason one sleeps sitting up is so that one will sleep less. If you sleep lying down, you can sleep for eight hours and still feel like you haven’t had enough sleep. On the other hand, you only need four hours if you sleep sitting up; you will feel energized and also be able to enter samadhi easily. Do not be afraid of hardship when it comes to meditation; do not be afraid of the pain in your legs and do not crave comfort. Do not say, “I’ll be really comfortable if I stretch my legs out and lie down; it is just too uncomfortable to sit.” Of course sitting is uncomfortable. However, look at all the Patriarchs of old; they achieved great things by enduring discomfort. If you crave comfort, eat well and sleep well, how can you show your sincerity in cultivation?


In India, there was the Venerable Xie (“Ribs”), who never lay down to sleep throughout his entire life. In China, there were also many cultivators who meditated and vowed to never lie down to sleep. In the United States, Buddhism is just beginning. The seeds have just been planted. That is why I promote eating only one meal per day and never lying down. These are two of the twelve ascetic practices.


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