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不要像小孩子 Do not act like a child
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Do not act like a child.


When you sit in full lotus position, you have to endure the pain in your legs. Why does it hurt? It is because qi energy and blood cannot pass through the joints and circulate. If you can endure this, it will eventually get through and will not hurt anymore. All cultivators should learn how to sit in full lotus. If you really want to become enlightened and become a Buddha, it is essential that you learn this. In the beginning, you will have to endure the pain in your legs. Do not act like a child and cry or shout for your mother when it hurts. You must have an attitude of perseverance. There is no special technique to sitting in meditation; if you meditate regularly, with time, you will see the results. However, if you cultivate for one day and rest for the next ten, then you will not see any results.


{返回 初步参禅的方法 Basic of Chan 文集}

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 净土大经解演义 第二七五集[栏目:净土大经解演义·净空法师]



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