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定有什么好? What is so good about samadhi?
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What is so good about samadhi?


Why should we meditate regularly? We are slowly cultivating samadhi. When you first begin to meditate, of course your mind cannot enter samadhi. In an instant, your mind travels to heaven, to hell, to where the Buddhas or Bodhisattvas are, and before long you are back with horses, cows, sheep, or dogs. It needs no bus ticket and travels wherever it pleases. It is because you cannot control your mind—you have no samadhi. Now, when you do not want your mind to travel wherever it pleases, you are cultivating samadhi.

Someone may say, “It is good not to have samadhi! For example, look at dancers; they are always happily jumping around. What is the use of cultivating samadhi? You become like a log or a statue sitting there. It is too rigid!” What is good about samadhi? Originally there was nothing good about samadhi, but you cultivators who want to open up your wisdom must cultivate samadhi. Without samadhi, your wisdom cannot shine forth. If you have a monkey mind, you then have no samadhi and you will not have any wisdom at all. Wisdom comes from samadhi. If you do not want to be ignorant anymore, you have to cultivate samadhi!


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