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你不要怪他 Do not blame others
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Do not blame others.


Now I will discuss “looking but not seeing, and listening but not hearing.” When you first see something, you take notice of it. With time, you forget about it. Suppose there is an old grandfather clock that goes “tick tock, tick tock.” Once you are used to it, you won’t hear it anymore. The clock continues to tick-tock everyday, but you are not aware of it. Why is this? It is because you have forgotten the clock. Your mind does not focus on the clock, but when you suddenly remember the clock, you hear the tick-tocking again. That is why I said, “The eyes see forms, but inside there is nothing. The ears hear mundane sounds, but the mind does not know.”

If others seem to be disturbing you, do not blame them. It is just that you do not have samadhi. If you did, then no matter how much others tried to disturb you, you would not be distracted. How do you know that others are moving? It is because when they move, your mind moves. If your mind did not move, others’ movements would not be able to influence you. Whether you experience a minor or major, good or bad state, if you know how to use the Buddhadharma, it will not be an issue at all. Someone says, “I do not know how to use it now.” If you do not know how, then you must learn. This is the path you must walk. When your skill deepens, you will not be affected by your surroundings. When you have samadhi, nothing can move your mind.


{返回 初步参禅的方法 Basic of Chan 文集}

上一篇:看你动不动心 Let’s see if your mind moves.
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