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有几千万个不行 Thousands of “Do Nots”
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Thousands of “Do Nots”


Those who investigate in Chan have to endure thirst, hunger and cold. They must use patience and cultivate whole-heartedly. In the summer, when it is so hot everyday, what use do we have for a blanket? This shows that you do not know the rules and are just dragging your heels. Meditation is somthing we can practice any time and any place. We do not need to bring a blanket everywhere to sit in meditation. That is a hangup and is not something that cultivators should have. You could simply wear extra trousers and your feet will not feel cold anymore. There is no need to bring blankets to the Hall and make it look like a blanket shop. That is wrong.


Do not pamper your stinking skin-bag, to the point that it cannot suffer being a little cold or a little warm, a little hungry or thirsty. Everyday, you have thousands of “cannots.” How can you cultivate? When genuine, hardworking cultivators sit in meditation, they do not doze off. If you want to sleep, you should stand up. Do not be stubborn and continue to sleep, thinking that you are sitting in meditation. That is wrong. Entering samadhi is not the same as falling asleep. If you are in samadhi, that is a different story altogether.


{返回 初步参禅的方法 Basic of Chan 文集}

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