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等着引磬响 Waiting for the Bell
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Waiting for the Bell


Those who are working hard will feel that a sitting period passes by very fast. Those who are not will feel that it is a long time to bear. Once, there was a person who was here for the first time to investigate Chan. Every time he sat down, he would start waiting for the bell to end the silent sit. Before the bell sounded, he would be all tied up and ill at ease sitting there. It would feel as if years had passed before he heard the bell. He felt relieved, but soon it would be silent again. Once again, he would feel as if he were tied up and had lost his freedom. He said that while he was sitting in meditation, his mind was full of rubbish and he could hardly clear it away.


After a few years, the amount of rubbish has lessened and he no longer waits for the bell. Although he doesn’t do this anymore, I am sure many of you still do. This is because beginners in meditation feel that their waist and legs ache when they are seated. If they continue sitting, their heads begin to ache too. It is because the legs hurt that one starts disobeying the rules. If he does not feel like running away, he will want to stretch out his legs. This is impermissible. If you stretch out your legs in the Chan Hall, they will be chopped off! From now on, if anyone stretches out his or her legs, their legs will be hit by the board. Let’s see if you still want to stretch them out! Well, if you have no legs, you cannot possible stretch them.


{返回 初步参禅的方法 Basic of Chan 文集}

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