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养息香时间长 The Long Duration of the Resting Incense
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The Long Duration of the Resting Incense


The incense that is lit after 5:00 p.m. is known as the Resting Incense. Some last one hour, some last two. This is because we do not sleep until twelve midnight. Within these two hours, we can afford to relax a bit. It is okay to sleep as long as you do not snore too loudly. Sincere and hardworkingcultivators will not feel sleepy and will continue sitting in meditation. It is because of the long duration of this period that many people become enlightened then. You should practice sitting in meditation a little longer,and not say, “My legs hurt and I cannot sit anymore; I shall wait for the bell to end the sit.” You should not think this way, as with such thoughts, it is very difficult to become enlightened.

There are a lot of rules inside the Chan Hall and I can hardly speak of them all. Originally, I should have introduced some of them right from the start. However, I thought all of you were experienced cultivators who knew these rules after so many years of cultivation, but there are still some who do not understand. That is why I mentioned these little rules. It is because if you are unaware of these little rules, you can hardly realize a great awakening!


{返回 初步参禅的方法 Basic of Chan 文集}

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