Time Waits for Nobody
Q: If we sit for too long during a day....
A: We will die. (Everybody laughs)
Q: Should we sit a little longer every day and increase the duration slowly?
A: It is all right to do so. However, time waits for nobody. Once time has passed, it will never come back. Then what? Once today has passed, it is gone and will never be back. The ancients said, “An inch of time is an ounce of gold, but the ounce of gold will never buy that inch of time.
Lost gold is recoverable, but it’s hard to restore lost time.” Also, “An inch of time is an inch of life.”
If we really want to transcend life and death, we will not be afraid of pain or anything. If you are afraid of this and afraid of that, you will accomplish
Q: This is not a question of being afraid or not, it’s just that sometimes my legs are so painful that it is impossible to continue to chant and be mindful of the Bodhisattva’s name!
A: How then can your false thinking continue?
问:在一天之内, 我们坐得太 久…。
问:是不是应该每一天坐一点,慢慢 坐下去?
答:这是可以的,不过你慢慢坐, 时间却不等你。你过了这时候,时候就不 会再来了,那怎么办?今天过去了,今天 你就拿不回来,古人说:「一寸光阴一寸 金,寸金难买寸光阴;失落寸金容易得, 光阴过去难再寻。」又说:「一寸时 光,一寸命光。」我们要了生死,就是 痛也不怕,什么也不怕;你这也怕、那也 怕,什么也不能成功。
问:这不是怕不怕的问题,只是腿痛 的时候连念菩萨名号也念不下去!