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一种轻安的感觉 A Sense of Light Ease
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A Sense of Light Ease


When you investigate the meditation topic, “Who is mindful of the Buddha?” to the ultimate point, eventually you will become enlightened. Enlightenment is understanding what you did not understand and knowing what you did not know in the past. Before realizing enlightenment, you should harbor doubt. It is said, “Great doubt results in great enlightenment, and small doubt results in small enlightenment.” Enlightenment also means to understand principle. It is not really a special state. There are the first dhyana, the second dhyana, the third dhyana and the fourth dhyana stages in Chan meditation. In the first dhyana, there is this feeling of light ease. You will feel comfortable, free, and benefited. This kind of comfort is called bliss in the Dharma. You will experience the state of blissfulness. You will not feel hungry even if you do not eat, nor tired if you do not sleep, nor cold if you are not wearing enough clothes. It will be as there is no self when sitting, and no self when walking. One does not know where one’s “self” is. This feeling of light ease is the beginning of cultivation. After this state, you will enter the samadhi of the first dhyana; it is like your self is empty and you feel that your pulse has stopped.


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 《灵峰宗论》导读讲记 第十五卷[栏目:净界法师]



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