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kilesa: Mental defilement. Kilesa are negative psychological and emotional forces existing within the hearts and minds of all living beings. These de­filements are of three basic types: greed, hatred, and delusion. All of them are degenerate pollutants that contaminate the way people think, speak and act, and thus corrupt from within the very intention and purpose of their existence, binding them (through the inevitable consequences of their actions) ever more firmly to the perpetual cycle of rebirth. Their manifestations are many and varied. They include passion, jealousy, envy, conceit, vanity, pride, stinginess, arrogance, anger, resentment, etc., plus all sorts of more subtle variations that invariably produce the unwholesome and harmful states of mind which are responsible for so much human misery. These various kilesa-driven mental states interact and combine to create patterns of conduct that perpetuate people’s suf­fering and give rise to all of the world’s disharmony.

magga, phala, and Nibbãna: The Transcendent Paths, their Fruition, and Nibbãna. As used by Ãcariya Mahã Boowa, the expression magga, phala, and Nibbãna refers to the transcendent nature of the Buddhist path of practice and its primary aim of leading one, stage by stage, through successive levels of spiritual liberation until one ultimately reaches the absolute freedom of Nibbãna.

烦恼(kilesa):心理染污。烦恼是一切众生内心中的负面心 理和情绪力量。这些染污最根本的有三种:贪、嗔和痴。它们全部都使人堕落,染污人们的思想、语言等,使人的生命从内越来越堕落沉沦,无法出离轮回。这些烦恼显现出各种各样,包括贪爱、妒嫉、羡慕、骄慢、虚荣、自负、吝啬、傲慢、嗔、怨恨等,以及各种微细的不善和有害的心境。这些都带来不善的后果。各种的烦恼心境互相混杂产生的行为,使人们不断受苦,并为世间带来扰乱。

道、果及涅槃出世间道、它们的果证与涅槃。根据阿姜摩(magga,phala,andNibbāna): 诃布瓦的用法,道、果以及涅槃是指佛教修行中出世间性质,主要的目标是使修行者一个阶段一个阶段,通过连续层次的解脱,最终证得绝对的自由——涅槃。

{返回 阿罗汉向•阿罗汉果 The Path to Arahantship 文集}

 PART 1 - 阿罗汉向:灭苦正道 The Direct Route..
 PART 1 - 如果正确地修行,身念住非常猛烈 PROPERLY D..
 PART 2 - 有什么会比地狱之火还猛烈炽热的? WHAT COUL..
 词汇注释 GLOSSARY 阿姜(ācariya)
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