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学校是教育良才的圣地 School Is a Sacred Place for Nurturing Peoples Talents
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School Is a Sacred Place for Nurturing People's Talents



Teachers experience the joy of teaching talented and promising students.

Theirs is a sacred and inviolable duty, and they should take that duty seriously.


School is a sacred place where people's talents are nurtured. It is like a great furnace where steel is forged. After being smelted thousands of times, students become indestructible like vajra. In the future they will be able to serve the country well. Teachers, in turn, experience the joy of teaching talented and promising students. Theirs is a sacred and inviolable duty, and they should take that duty seriously.


Today's schools are of a different caliber than those of the past. Most college, high school, and even elementary students have experimented with drugs. They do so out of curiosity, and then they learn to steal things and sell them in order to buy more drugs. Right before our eyes, our children are learning how to lie and cheat. If we have any conscience at all, how can we, as citizens, not be alarmed?

Take a look in the schools outside. Is there a single one whose students do not take or deal drugs? Yet teachers act as if they did not know what's going on. They don't inquire about it, because they simply don't care. They don't want to interfere with what's going on. Some schools are even turning into drug trafficking centers. How dangerous this is! It's really a shame when schools turn into places for boys and girls to be promiscuous and indulge in romance. Nowadays parents even encourage their daughters to take birth control pills. This was unheard of in the past. Yet schools pay no attention to this. All they care about is collecting the tuition.


Students educated in such schools have no ethical values and no concept of virtue and chastity; all they talk about is freedom. They holler, "Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!" all the way to the hells. This unwholesome trend is harmful to humanity in many ways. If the educational system doesn't rectify the situation, the future can easily be imagined. That's why the university, high schools, and elementary schools at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas are segregated by gender. From youth, students become accustomed to learning in an environment where boys and girls are taught separately.


Once more, I urge the educational system to quickly reform the unhealthy trends in the schools. As it is said,


Although you have lost one sheep,

It's not too late to repair the pen.


A talk given on September 18, 1983

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