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修行三秘诀:真、诚、恒 The Secret to Cultivation: Be True, Sincere, and Constant
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The Secret to Cultivation: Be True, Sincere, and Constant


If you are not humble, gracious, and willing to admit your mistakes, you will encounter many obstacles.


We should not go around advertising our cultivation. If we sell our cultivation, we may become possessed by demons. Some cultivators are protected by Buddhas, while others are protected by Bodhisattvas, Arhats, gods, ghosts, spirits, or people. Some cultivators are protected by demons and ghosts; such beings draw near to cultivators who have deviant minds. When you embrace deviant views, you may encounter demonic states of arrogance and pride. If you are not humble, gracious, and willing to admit your mistakes, you will encounter many obstacles.

Today I want to tell you about the most honest kind of cultivation. There are three secrets to it:


1. Be true in everything you do; don't be hypocritical.


2. Always be extremely sincere and respectful; don't be lazy or negligent.


3. Be constant, persevering, and steadfast.


In every move you make and every word you say, be true, sincere, and constant. If your mind is true, sincere, and constant, you will certainly succeed at whatever you do.


A talk given on October 22, 1982

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