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一失人身 万劫不复 Once You Lose Your Human Body, You May not Regain it for Ten Thousand Eons
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一失人身 万劫不复

Once You Lose Your Human Body, You May not Regain it for Ten Thousand Eons


Disbelieve anything else, but don't disbelieve cause and effect.

It is extremely dangerous to deny cause and effect.


“A Bodhisattva fears causes, not effects.” In his cultivation, he is very careful to create good causes. If he accidentally creates a bad cause, he bravely faces reality and accepts his retribution without ever complaining. In contrast, “Living beings fear effects instead of causes.” They create causes thoughtlessly and recklessly. When the time comes to face the retributions, they are frightened. They complain to the heavens and blame other people, saying, “Why do I get such lousy treatment? Why is life so unfair?” It never occurs to them that if they hadn't created such causes in the past, they would not be receiving such retributions now.


Today, since a member of the eightfold division of Dharma-protecting spirits appeared to speak the Dharma, I have briefly described its background in terms of causes and effects.


With one wrong move, the entire chess game is lost.


If you have a single bad thought, the resulting disasters will be difficult to avert. Fortunately, the snake has taken refuge with the Triple Jewel, and thus has the opportunity to eventually “understand the mind and see the nature.”


If you don't believe this story, go ahead and try it out yourself. If you do believe in cause and effect, don't harbor the slightest bit of doubt.

{返回 宣化老和尚开示 Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's Talks 文集}

上一篇:蛇来听法 A Snake Comes to Hear the Dharma
下一篇:自在非他在 Mastering Oneself and not Being Mastered by Others
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