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念佛四十八法 41) 结期持名 Organizing a Buddha Recitation Retreat
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41) 结期持名

Organizing a Buddha Recitation Retreat

A Buddha Recitation retreat usua ly lasts seven days. If you are in retreat alone [you should see to it that all the basic necessities of life are available.] During the retreat, you should discourage others from moving about in the general area, so as to reserve the entire time for Buddha Recitation.

If there are five or six persons who wish to go into retreat together, you should plan to have a retreat attendant, as well as to establish strict rules and affix them to the door. All comings and goings, meals, offerings of flowers and fruits should be handled by the attendant, so that the participants can concentrate on reciting the Buddha’s name throughout the seven-day period.

If you are still constrained by family obligations and do not know the pros and cons of serious cultivation, you should not rush into organizing retreats.

结期者,结七日为期也。若独自结期,可用干粮、水果、生姜、麻油四种为食物,炉 香、灯油、蒲团、坐椅、棉衣、风帽、净桶、草纸八种为用物,除十二种外,一概不 留,便可七日中不与人来往,畅然念佛也。若有五六人,同发心结期者,则必延请护七师一位,严立条规,约束在前,一切起居欲食香花灯果,护七师照应全备,则同七



Without going on retreat, we may be too occupied with everyday activities, guests and friends to find the necessary peace and quiet for Buddha Recitation. Therefore, we need to go on retreat as an expedient to get away from visitors and daily activities. We should have the necessities of life at hand (to avoid thinking about them), or else seek the help of others, and peacefully recite the Buddha’s name. With this method, the retreat lasts only seven days, but if we have the time and the means, we can organize additional retreats, without limit. Once we have decided to go into retreat, external events should not be a lowed to take control and end the retreat half-way. To end a retreat hastily before the agreed number of days has elapsed is truly regrettable!

Be aware that the more eagerly we cultivate, the more we are tested by demons (karmic forces). Therefore, we cannot be wishy-washy, but must have a good under- standing and plan well before acting. Otherwise, we may lose the battle and end in failure – setting ourselves up as objects of ridicule.

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上一篇:念佛四十八法 42) 聚会持名 Group Recitation
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