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念佛四十八法 43) 成就他人持名 Recitation for the Purpose of Helping Others
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43) 成就他人持名

Recitation for the Purpose of Helping Others

The fo lowing activities are wholesome and conducive to accruing virtues: reciting the Buddha’s name peace-fu ly in one spot and dedicating the merits and virtues to others; joining in a retreat with other persons; propagating the Pure Land method;

lending Pure Land texts to others; dispelling other people’s doubts about this method; and counseling others to recite the Buddha’s name steadfastly.

However, if you can practice supportive recitation(25) at the bedside of the dying, helping them to keep the Buddha’s name continuously in m ind so that they may be reborn in the Pure Land – you will be helping to realize the Dharma Body Wisdom- Life (Pure Mind) of others. The virtues of such action are on a higher lev el than all other activities.

或静处安置,或同结念期,或告以净土之事,或藉以净土之书,或破其念佛之疑,或 坚其念佛之志,一切功德,此为胜矣!若于人临命终时,为之念佛,或令病人记取阿 弥陀佛四字,随忆随念,得见如来,使此人气尽往生,是成就其法身慧命矣!

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上一篇:念佛四十八法 44) 难中持名 Buddha Recitation in Time of Calamity
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