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致觉知者 Chapter Five 第五章 TO BE EXPERIENCED BY THE KNOWING 通过自知了知体验
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The Buddha teaches us to know our duty. The duty of humanity is to practice Dhamma. The duty of humans is to teach humans to be human. So we should look to ourself first, we should consider ourself first, we should teach ourself first. If we waste our life we cannot buy it again. If we let our life suffer, we waste it. The Buddha teaches us nothing else than to extinguish dukkha (suffering), but when we don’t know we seek its cessation outside ourself. But dukkha of that kind doesn’t exist.

佛陀教导我们要明了自己的职责。人类的职责是实践法。人的职责是教育人使之成为人。因此,我们首先要依靠自己,首先要关心自己,首先要教导自己。如果浪费了自己的生命,我们无法再买来它。如果让自己的生命受到伤害,我们就荒废它了。佛陀教导我们的除了灭苦(extinguish dukkha)别无他法。我们不明白的话就会向自己以外寻找止苦。可是,那样的苦是不存在的。

The teachings of the world-teachers are like all the leaves in the forest, but those leaves that can be used as medicine are few. Don’t take them all, together with their roots and trunks. When it comes to the practice of kammatthana (meditation) or vipassana (insight), we should take only that which can prevent dukkha from arising, can extinguish dukkha at its source, can destroy moha (delusion). So we take only the heart. The heart of the teaching I am talking about is to have sati (awareness), to have panna  (knowing), to see thought. Whenever thought arises see it, know it, understand it. Know it in whatever manner it comes, and know how to prevent it from deluding us.

世上教师的教导就像森林里的叶子,其中能够用作药物的叶子是很少的。不要全部服用它们,包括它们的根、茎。当涉及到禅修(kammatthana,meditation)练习或者毗婆舍那(vipassana,内观,insight)的时候,我们仅仅应该选择那些可以避免苦的生起,可以在苦的源头将其灭除,可以消除愚痴(moha,无明,delusion)的方法。因此,我们应该抓住核心。我教的方法的核心是要有觉性(sati ,awareness),要有智慧(panna,knowing),要看念头(see thought)。无论何时,念头出现,看见它,知道它,明白它。无论念头以什么方式出现,都知道它,并且知道如何避免受它欺骗。

Wherever we are, that is where we must practice. Nobody else can do it for us. Wherever we go, we are the one that goes. Wherever we stay, we are the one that stays. Sit, eat, drink, sleep, we alone do it. If we are a person who keeps precepts or gives charity, we can practice. And if we are somebody who never does these things, we can also practice. To help others is good, but it is good only in a worldly way. To practice developing sati – samadhi – panna (awareness – steadiness of mind – knowing), however, is good in every way. So before you teach others you should train yourself, until you clearly and really see, know and understand. When you really see, really know, and really are, then you can teach others comfortably.

无论在哪里,我们都要坚持练习。没有别人能够代替我们练习。无论我们去哪里,我们一个人去那;无论我们呆在哪里,我们一个人呆在那;坐下、吃喝、睡觉,我们都是一个人做那些事。如果我们持戒或者布施,我们可以练习;如果我们从来没做过这些事,我们也可以练习。帮助人是好事,但它仅仅是世俗意义上的好事。然而,练习培养觉--定--慧(sati–samadhi–panna,awareness–steadiness of mind–knowing),从各种意义上说都是好事。因此,在你教导别人之前,你应该先训练自己,直到你清楚地、真正地看见、知道、明白。当你真正地看见,真正地知道,并真正地成为,你就可以轻松地教导他人。

So this practice, we have to learn it ourself, we have to teach ourself, we have to see ourself, we have to know ourself, we have to understand ourself, we have to do ourself.


So you needn’t be interested in others; just do this movement-practice a lot, do it as nothing special, do it without hurry, without doubt, without speculation, do it without expectation of result. Be simple, and just move, one movement at a time, and know.


When you don’t know, let it pass; when you know, let it pass. Sometimes you know, sometimes you don’t know: so it goes – but know. When the body moves, know it. When the mind moves, know it. This practice is a twenty-four-hours-a-day practice, so relaxed just be natural, just be normal. Set up the mind to really practice, and practice comfortably.


The method of developing sati in daily life:


When we get on a bus or boat, and are seated properly, we turn the palm up, we turn the palm down, we move the hand, or stretch the hand, or run the thumb over the fingertips; and blinking eyes, breathing, swallowing saliva, and so on, be aware of these movements.


This is the way to have awareness returning to ourself. When thought arises be aware of it, and detach it.


The method of developing sati when we are at home:


We can sit with both legs gathered back to one side, or cross-legged, or in a chair, or we can sit with legs outstretched. We can stand or lie down doing the rhythmic practice too.


When we walk cankama (meditating while walking back and forth: a length of eight to twelve paces will do) we must not move the arms; fold the arms across the chest, or clasp the hand behind the back.

我们可以经行(cankama,来回走路(8到12步就够了)的禅修方法,meditating while walking back and forth: a length of eight to twelve paces will do)。经行时不要晃动手臂:将手臂环抱胸前或将手交叉握于背后。

The method of practice in a sitting position is shown in the stylized illustrations that follow:


1. Rest the hands palms down on the thighs.

2. Turn the right hand onto its edge, be aware.

3. Raise the right hand up, be aware, then stop.

4. Lower the right hand to rest on the abdomen, be aware, then stop.

5. Turn the left hand onto its edge, be aware, then stop.

6. Raise the left hand up, be aware, then stop.

7. Lower the left hand to rest on the right hand, be aware, then stop.

8. Slide the right hand up to rest on the chest, be aware, then stop.

9. Move the right hand out, be aware, then stop.

10. Lower the right hand onto its edge on the thigh, be aware, then stop.

11. Face the right palm down, be aware, then stop.

12. Slide the left hand up to rest on the chest, be aware, then stop.

13. Move the left hand out, be aware, then stop.

14. Lower the left hand onto its edge on the thigh, be aware, then stop.

15. Face the left palm down, be aware, then stop.
















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上一篇:致觉知者 Chapter Six 第六章 THE OBJECT OF THE PRACTICE 培养觉性的目标
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