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21.典座 Serving as verger
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Serving as verger

The verger ministers to the members of the monastery. He must be able to patiently bear hard labor and enmity alike, become foremost in subtle prajna wisdom, and be familiar with the varying tastes of the assembly at large. He must be frugal with the Permanently Dwelling's money, and, with a sense of reverence, place others before himself. He should always be careful with material objects. He must check the left-overs and see how much new food needs to be cooked, being attentive to cause and effect in the most minute detail. How could the Master as verger be indifferent to the merit or demerit of any single thought.

The verse says:
The heavenly kitchen's wonderful offerings are savory and pure.
The feast consists of delight in dhyana, an expansive sea of bliss.
The joyous Dharma completely fills and encircles dust-motes of worlds.
After the banquet is over and done they withdraw and stroll around.

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