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23.不贪名闻利养 Not being greedy for fame, profit, or offerings
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Not being greedy for fame, profit, or offerings

The Master held posts for four years at Yung Ch'uan Monastery, undergoing austere practices and serving others. He would not accept money offered to the assembly and the Permanently Dwelling. Although he ate but one bowl of rice gruel a day, his health was excellent. At this time the Venerable Master Ku Yueh (Ancient Moon), who dwelled in the mountains, was the foremost exemplar of ascetic cultivation. Visiting him and engaging in profound conversation, the Master resolved to emulate the Venerable Yueh.

The verse says:
Above his peers in a class by himself, far and away quite different;
How could the common fleshly eye perceive this?
He placed himself outside of wealth, honor, merit, and fame.
Nor could his mind be moved by offerings, praise or slander.

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上一篇:24.苦行修禅习定 Practicing austerities and cultivating Dhyana samadhi
下一篇:22.眷属亦出家 His relatives also choosing to leave the home life behind
 132.为和尚念经施食 Reciting sutras and bes..
 170.赴香港传鼓山 Going to Hong Kong and K..
 01.观音前求子 Seeking a son before Avalo..
 87.仰光朝大金塔 Paying homage to the Grea..
 29.般若堂习禅制 Training under the Chan r..
 18.受命服务常住 Being ordered to serve th..
 137.敕封佛慈洪法大师回山Being conferred the t..
 17.置身岩穴潜修 Settling in a cliff cave ..
 78.复回香山度岁 Returning to Hsiang Shan ..
 06.孩提时期 Bringing up the child
全文 标题
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