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25.深山居处寂静 Dwelling in the deep mountain stillness
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Dwelling in the deep mountain stillness

From his twenty-eighth to his thirtieth years, the Master dwelt in a cliff cave, gathering mountain grasses and herbs to satisfy his hunger. He did not partake of the cooked food of others. At the outset, a glorious state of being often appeared, and yet he did not become attached when he was in such a state. He properly and single-mindedly recited the Buddha's name. As the days passed, his body became lighter, and he was quite robust. It was as if he were flying when he walked. His hearing was acute and his eyes could clearly discern the most minute detail. The pupils of his eyes glowed so that when people saw him, they thought he was a goblin and took to their heels in fright!

The verse says:
Dwelling in a wilderness cave in a primitive way,
Knowing contentment, his desires were few-there was no wrangling.
He did not speak but observed his mind-how it arises and dwells.
Roaming through the triple world, he ventured east and west.

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上一篇:26.道引善知识 Finding a guiding advisor
下一篇:24.苦行修禅习定 Practicing austerities and cultivating Dhyana samadhi
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