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26.道引善知识 Finding a guiding advisor
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Finding a guiding advisor

The Master had transcended the corporeal and was unfettered and unobstructed. He freely wandered about until he reached a cliff hut in Wen Chou, where he stayed. A dhyana adept arrived one day and seeking his instruction, made obeisance. Unable to answer his query, the Master was ashamed and said tensely, "I am stupid and have no knowledge. I cannot give instruction." The dhyana adept then inquired how long the Master had been cultivating and the Master told him. The Ch'an monk then said that the Venerable Yung Ching (Interpenetrating Mirror) of Hua Ting (Flower Peak), T'ien T'ai mountain, was the sole knowledgeable advisor of the present-day.

The verse says:
Setting him straight off a confused path, a lofty sage appeared.
If he wasn't a god of the pure heavens, then he was a rsi (immortal).
There was a knowledgeable advisor who was said to be the best,
Spreading wide the T'ien T'ai school the Good Advisor stayed at Hua Ting Peak.

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上一篇:27.就有道而正焉 Approaching the Orthodox Way
下一篇:25.深山居处寂静 Dwelling in the deep mountain stillness
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