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35.杭州遍礼名胜 Paying homage at the holy sites in Hangchou
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Paying homage at the holy sites in Hangchou

The famous scenery at Hsi Hu (West Lake) in Hangchou is known throughout the world. It was here that the Seven Buddhas of Antiquity taught and lectured and the generational patriarchs propagated their schools, hence it is termed "the place of the Buddhas." Buddhist disciples certainly make pilgrimages to the sacred places here to pay their respects. The Venerable Master Pao Chang (Jeweled Palm) of the Chin Dynasty who was the founding patriarch of San T'ien Chu Mountain, Master Wu K'o (Crow's Nest) of the T'ang Dynasty, Master Yung Ming (Eternal Brightness) of the Sung Dynasty, and Master Lien Ch'ih (Lotus Pool) of the Ming Dynasty all visited here in the past.

The verse says:
At Hangchou the Buddhas teach, explaining their great practices.
The beautiful West Lake scenery vies with that of the heavens.
Ancient and modern Wise Advisors are so many that one can visit them without end.
Improving customs and changing habits is lauded "good indeed!"

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上一篇:36.朝礼西天目山 Making obeisance at Hsi Tien mountain
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