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41.发大愿朝清凉山 Making serious vows to go on a pilgrimage to Ching Liang Mountain bowing once every three steps
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Making serious vows to go on a pilgrimage to Ch'ing Liang Mountain bowing once every three steps

The Master had by now left the home-life for more than twenty years, but he had not yet completed his karma in the Way. He had not repaid his parents' kindness, and so he vowed to again make a pilgrimage to Nan Hai. From Fa Hua Temple all the way to Ch'ing Liang Peak at Wu T'ai (Five Peaks) Mountain, he made one full prostration every three steps. At the outset, four Ch'an monks, P'ien Chen (Pervasive Truth), Chiao Cheng Enlightened Vehicle, Shan Hsia (Distant Mountains) and Chiu 'ing Autumn Freeze accompanied the Master. But the daily progress - walking and bowing - was slow and they gradually had thoughts of withdrawing. It was not easy going.

The verse says:
Being able to do what is troublesome is true action.
Being able to bear the unbearable is true forbearance.
Being able to practice the difficult is true cultivation.
Being able to take what is unpleasant is true endurance.

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上一篇:42.渡海至湖州 Crossing the sea and arriving at Hu Chou
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全文 标题
 无量寿经讲记 法会圣众 第一[栏目:净空法师]



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