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42.渡海至湖州 Crossing the sea and arriving at Hu Chou
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Crossing the sea and arriving at Hu Chou

After crossing the sea and arriving on the shore, the Master continued to bow once every three steps. Despite the wind and rain, he did so day after day without interruption. During the night under the bright moon, when the myriad sounds were hushed, he moved along, continuing to bow. Thus the daily distance he traveled was not great, and yet day after day he gradually made progress. Upon his arrival at Hu Chou, in the north of Chekiang Province, he temporarily stopped bowing to rest for several days.

The verse says:
Hsuan Tsang brought back Sutras from his journey to the Western Region.
By bowing his way to the northern moutains, the Master requited his parents' kindness.
On different roads to the same destination, they display great power in their practice.
By personally traveling with real strides, they taught those with affinities.

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上一篇:43.长拜过苏州 Continuing to bow at length and passing through Su Chou
下一篇:41.发大愿朝清凉山 Making serious vows to go on a pilgrimage to Ching Liang Mountain bowing once every three steps
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 大圆满前行广释 第十七课[栏目:大圆满前行广释]



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