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44.常州分别独向前 Parting company at Chang Chou and going on alone
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Parting company at Chang Chou and going on alone

The four Ch'an monks from Fa Hua Temple on P'u T'ou Mountain, who carried incense for the Master, began to feel the adversities and difficulties of the journey, and often spoke of returning. The Master exhorted them with kind words so that they would not speak of losing their resolve. At that, the foursome decided they would definitely part company with him. Upon hearing their staunch intent to withdraw, the Master did nothing but listen. Alas! Even when the World Honored One cultivated in the Himalayas, his four attendants also left him. To have companions along the Way is not easy at all.

The verse says:
Shouldering a great mission, he underwent bitter suffering.
He endured hunger and continued to strain his muscles.
He was impartial and free of bias since he had no point of dependence.
Isolated in practice, bowing by himself, he forged ahead.

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上一篇:45.南京礼懒祖塔 Bowing to the stupa of Patriarch Lan at Nan Ching
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