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53.恢复精神再拜香 Regaining his essential energies, he continues bowing
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Regaining his essential energies, he continues bowing

Wen Chi asked, "Why are you making this pilgrimage to the famous Wu T'ai Mountain?" The Master said, "I never saw my mother, for she died after giving birth to me. I am doing this to repay the kindness of my parents." "You have a pack on your back, the road is long and the weather is bitterly cold. Do you ever expect to reach your destination? I urge you to discontinue your bowing." The Master answered. "My vows have already been made. I am not concerned with how far I must go. or when I will arrive." Wen Chi said, "Determination such as yours is hard to come by. There are no roads clear now for travel. Why don't you follow my footprints in the snow? First, you will come to Hsiao Chin Shan (Little Gold Mountain) and then Meng Chou." He then took his leave.

The verse says:
Not bothered by hundreds of bad breaks and troubles, he was of iron resolve.
The world is without a man of his equal: he brought forth gold from sand. 
Seeking to repay the kindness of his parents, everything else lacked importance.
So every three steps he bowed to the ground, resuming his pilgrimage.

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上一篇:54.依足点再精进 Following the footprints with renewed vigor
下一篇:52.机锋话头是什么 Asking the piercing question, What Is It?
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