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57.留公过年再去 Being invited to pass the new year
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Being invited to pass the new year

The Elder Master Te Lin invited the Master to spend New Year's at the monastery. His offer was extended with the utmost sincerity. On the second day of the first month, the Master started bowing again. From Hung Fu Monastery he went to Huai Ch'ing Prefecture. He then returned to the monastery to stay the evening. On the third day, he took formal leave of the Elder Master Te Lin, who cried profusely because he did not want to lose the Master's company. After they bid one another farewell, the Master departed. Moved by the Master's outstanding asceticism, the Elder Master, having sincerely asked him to stay, cried and cried again.

The verse says:
Both the sadness of parting and the joy of meeting are emotions of the mundane world.
But the Elder Master Te Lin's sadness was not of that kind.
How often is one who understands the meaning of the Way, and "knows one's sound" to be found?
His hair was white with advancing age; he sighed at his lack of success.

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上一篇:58.小南海不挂单 Deciding not to stay at Hsiao Nan Hai Monastery
下一篇:56.对座谈心叙旧 Chatting about old times
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