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81.蜀道崎岖难行 Traversing the rugged roads of Szechuan
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Traversing the rugged roads of Szechuan

The Master stayed on Chung Nan Mountain for two years. When he was forty-eight, he came down the mountain during the second month of that year. He payed his respects at Huang Yu (Royal Wealth) Monastery and bowed to the stupas of Patriarch Tao Hsuan (Proclaiming the Way) at Hou An (Subsequent Peace) Mountain. Then at Ts'ao T'ang (Grass Hall) Monastery, he paid his respects in the Bodhimanda of Kumarajiva. From there he proceeded to Ta Pan (Big Plank) Monastery in Erh Pan (Two Planks) and on to Po Yu (Bowls and Basins) Monastery. The Master then went to the Nan Hsin district of Kuang Han. He passed the New Year at Pao Kuang (Jeweled Light) Monastery. During this time he carried nothing but the three robes and one bowl of a bhikshu. This greatly simplified matters.

The verse says:
The water atop Ta Lung Ch'ih peak is split in a double flow.
And the snow-capped summit of T'ai Pai Mountain is a hundred eight yojanas high.
The rough and winding precipice roads appeared cleaved by a giant sword.
A single soldier at this narrow pass can stave off ten thousand attackers.

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上一篇:82.四川各名胜古刹 Visiting the famous sites and ancient shrines of Szechuan
下一篇:80.终南山大茅蓬 Staying in the large thatched hut on Chung Nan Mountain
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