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88.洱海银涛奇观 Witnessing a strange sight at Erh Hai Lake
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Witnessing a strange sight at Erh Hai Lake

The Master started traveling back to china in the seventh lunar month. From La Shu, he went through Han Lung Pass, which is on the Yunnan border. He pressed on through Mien Ning, Ching Tung, Meng Hua, and the lower pass of Chao Chou. When he got to Ta Li Fu, he saw the silvery waves or Erh Hai Lake, the booming sound of which could be heard for miles. It was intriguing. It resembled a white dragon diving through the waves; leaping out of the depths, it would suddenly appear or disappear. This was remarkable scenery indeed.

The verse says:
Within the silvery waves or Erh Hai Lake lie some subtle secrets of nature.
The mountains' and rivers' auspiciousness display mysterious motions.
One looks at the mind in face of this scenery, but the mind cannot be got at.
The transcendental liberation is great self-mastery!

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