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93.九华山朝地藏 Visiting Kshitigharbas shrine on Chiu Hua Mountain
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Visiting Kshitigharba's shrine on Chiu Hua Mountain

After passing through the area of An Hui and visiting the Huang (Yellow) mountain, the Master traveled to Chiu Hua Mountain and bowed to the stupa of Earth Store Bodhisattva, as well as that in Pai Sui (Hundred Years) Temple. He paid his respects to the Venerable Master Pao Wu (Precious Enlightenment), whose practice and maintenance of the moral precepts were very strict, and whose power of concentration, therefore, was of the highest order. In the past two years, the Master had traveled ten thousand miles. With the exception of his crossing the ocean by ship, he had walked every step of the way. He had crossed rivers and scaled mountains, and although the scenery changed daily, his mind was as still as the bright, solitary moon suspended in the sky. He did not seem to feel the bitterness of traveling.

The verse says:
With a single bow, he begged for alms past one thousand households;
A lonely body drifting along on a ten thousand-mile walk.
To be sovereign and at ease is the true experience.
The master diligently bowed his respects and inquired about "dhuta" practices.

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上一篇:94.宝华山隆昌寺 Visiting Lung Chang Monastery on Pau Hua Mountain
下一篇:92.九江庐山海会寺 Passing through Hai Hui Monastery on Lu Mountain in Chiu Chiang
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