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94.宝华山隆昌寺 Visiting Lung Chang Monastery on Pau Hua Mountain
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Visiting Lung Ch'ang Monastery on Pau Hua Mountain

After bowing at Chiu Hua Mountain, the Master crossed the river to Lung Ch'ang Monastery on Pao Hua Mountain. This Bodhimanada is known for its strict maintenance of the moral precepts, and so people call it the " Old Vinaya Hall." Pao Hua Mountain is a most honorable place to receive the complete precepts of a Bhikshu. Therefore, many of the new preceptees in the nation assembled there each time the precepts were transmitted. The Master bowed to the Abbot, the venerable Master Sheng Hsing (Sagely Nature), who invited him to pass the new year there.

The verse says:
The other name of Pao Hua Temple is the Old Vinaya Hall.
In Shila and pure practices, it is far and away the leader.
A powerful vajra brightness emanates from within;
It is wonderfully adorned with endless layers of banners and jeweled netting.

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上一篇:95.仁智法忍赤山 Meeting Jen Chih and Fa Jen of Chih Shan
下一篇:93.九华山朝地藏 Visiting Kshitigharbas shrine on Chiu Hua Mountain
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