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96.助松岩修净成 Helping Sung Yen repair Ching Cheng Monastery
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Helping Sung Yen repair Ching Ch'eng Monastery

In 1892, the Master was fifty-two years old. While he was in Nan Ching, he assisted his friend, the Venerable Master Sung Yen, to repair the Ching Ch'eng Monastery. During this time, Upasak Yang Jen Shan often called the Master Yun and together they studied the Yin Ming (Clarifying Causes) and Po Jeng T'eng ( Prajna Lamp) sastras. The Master spent the winter there. Throughout his long life, wherever he went, the Master freely lent his aid in the founding of Bodhimandas and the repair of monasteries and temples. His only motive was to benefit living beings and society in general, and he did everything in his power to do so.

The verse says:
Emperor Shun antiquity had a favorable reputation;
Joining others in doing good his mark of self was gone.
Master Yun, a sage of the present also was that way:
He exhausted every effort in benefiting society.

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