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103.询问香灯西单师 Asking the Verger a question
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Asking the Verger a question

The signaling boards had just been struck three times. The following day, the Master asked the Verger and guest monks about their activities at the particular time the previous time. Their descriptions were not a bit off, and this actually proved that the Master had indeed seen these events take place. But he knew that this occurrence was only a mental state, and that it was not at all rare. He did not become attached to this achievement, but continued his single-minded investigation of the topic, "who is mindful of the Buddha?" over and over again, he delved into this topic without interruption.

The verse says:
Just like a cat stalking a mouse, he kept a cautious lookout;
Like a dragon chasing after a pearl, intent on seizing it,
Or like a chicken who sits on her eggs, he waited constantly.
To hit the bull's-eye right in the center was his firm resolve.

{返回 虚云老和尚传 文集}

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