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108. 登云台而望东海 Climbing Yun Tai and viewing the sea
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Climbing Yun T'ai1 and viewing the sea

In the sixteenth year, the Master responded to the invitation of Dharma Masters Chieh Shen (Luxuriant Accumulation) and Pao Lin (Jeweled Forest) to come to Tan Yang (Red Sun) and help renovate Hsien T'ai Kuan (Immortals' Tower and Terrace) Temple. From there, he went to Chu Jung, where he used the hut of Dharma Master Fa Jen (Dharma Patience) of Ch'ih (Red) Mountain. When sixty-one years of age, the Master decided to make another pilgrimage to Wu T'ai (Five Peaks) Mountain, and then sequester himself on Chung Nan Mountain. He first went to Yang Chou to visit Yun T'ai (Cloud Terrace) Mountain, which lies on the border of Chiang Su and Shan Tung Provinces. Its height scales the clouds, which is why it was named Cloud Terrace.

The gatha says:
The famous mountain on the Eastern Sea, is the ancient cloud terrace,
Where boundless waves on the ocean are always on view.
When will the myriad afflicted beings all be crossed over?
They must steadily nourish Bodhi to attain the fruit of Buddhahood.

1: "Cloud Terrace"

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上一篇:109.登泰山观天下 Climbing Mount Tai and observing the world
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