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109.登泰山观天下 Climbing Mount Tai and observing the world
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Climbing Mount T'ai and observing the world

North of the cities of T'ai An (Peaceful) County, Shan Tung (Eastern Mountain) Province, lies the forty-li high Eastern range, or T'ai Mountain, one of the well known five sacred mountains of China. Through the ages, the emperors and enlightened rulers ascended this mountain and made their sacrifices to Lord God - the Jade Emperor, the God Indra - for this was where they offered up sacrifices. The ancient ruins on the mountain and the famous beautiful spots are uncountable many. There is the Temple of Avalokiteshvara (Kuan Yin) Bodhisattva - who is commonly referred to as a goddess - where many people come to offer incense.

The gatha says:
Having made a pilgrimage to Cloud Terrace Mountain, he ascended Mount T'ai.
Millions and millions of living beings are pitifully upside-down.
He sought the response of Avalokiteshvara to compassionately gather them in.
Gate, gate, Paragate, arrival at the other shore.

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上一篇:110.朝访那罗延窟 Visiting Narayana Cave
下一篇:108. 登云台而望东海 Climbing Yun Tai and viewing the sea
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