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113.步康庄逢鬼兵弗惊 Meeting a mercenary on the highway but not being intimidated
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Meeting mercenary on the highway but not being intimidated

Chaos prevailed in the counties of Shan Tung Province at this time due to the Boxer Rebellion. One day, the Master encountered a foreign soldier while walking down the road. The soldier pointed his gun at him and asked the Master: "Are you afraid of dying?" The Master replied, "If I am fated to die by your hand, Then proceed." When the foreign soldier saw that the Master was not flustered, and that he was not to be intimidated or scared, he said "Okay, you may go." The Master then quickly proceeded on to Wu T'ai Mountain. After offering up incense, he returned to Peking, due to the disturbance in Shan Tung.

The gatha says:
Suddenly accosted by the mercenary, the Master was unafraid,
Only because cause and effect is already clearly decided.
For killing someone, one repays with one's own life - it's not off in the slightest.
To have a long-time standing debt and yet refuse to pay is impermissible

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