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114.西域寺石刻藏经 Paying Homage to the stone-carved Tripitaka at Hsi Yu Monastery
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Paying homage to the stone carved Tripitaka at Hsi Yu2 Monastery

Over one hundred li southwest of Peking, in Fang Shan County, Ho Pei Province, there is a well-known ancient shrine, where past generations of sagely Sanghans made their appearances. During the first years of the Ch'ing Dynasty, Venerable Master Yuan T'ung (Perfect Penetration) headed the monastery there. On the mountaintop, there is a cave in the rocks, in which the entire Tripitaka is carved into the stone. The work was initiated by Dharma Master Ching Wan of the Sui Dynasty, and continued through T'ang, Sung and Yuan Dynasties until it was finished. The number of people who have gone there to worship is great indeed.

The gatha says:
Bhikshu Ching Wan carved the sutras on the walls of stone.
During T'ang, Sung, and Yuan times, the entire Canon was then completed.
The proper Dharma long dwells to rouse confused dreamers.
Prajna wisdom, constantly bright, awakens people form delusion.

2. Western Country

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