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20.行堂 Serving as attendant of the hall
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Serving as attendant of the hall

The pure rules of eating in the formal style are an important concern of all Buddhist monasteries. When the Tathagata wished to eat, he donned his robe, took his bowl, and entered the city to make his begging rounds. However, since the conditions and climate of China are not the same as those of India, the Sangha members practice abstention in their eating and accord with the regulations of the formal style. The Master undertook the difficult duties of being the monastery's steward. With his mind set on enlightenment, he waited on tables in order to bear his share of responsibility. During this time he tied up conditions with many beings of the ten directions.

The verse says:
Great Bodhisattva Universal Worthy blends the myriad flavors,
As Kuan Yin Bodhisattva manages the heavenly kitchen.
Manjushri and Maitreya Bodhisattvas together respond to offerings,
While the sea-like assembly of Bodhisattvas are engaged in taking their meal.

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上一篇:21.典座 Serving as verger
下一篇:19.勤劳种菜供僧 Tirelessly laboring to raise vegetables to offer to the Sangha
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