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147.一念慈两封信 Having one thought of compassion and receiving two letters
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Having one thought of compassion and receiving two letters

The Master was seventy-one in 1910. Because of the prohibition of selling monastery property, and the arrival of the Tripitaka on the mountain, the Sangha gradually came to honor the moral precepts again. The Master continued to promote education for young monks. Viceroy Li and his whole family took refuge, and monks and others still in jail were released. In the summer. the Master received two letters from home, forwarded from Ku Shan (Drum Mountain). In what seemed like a finger snap, fifty years had passed. The Master wrote a poem, which reads in part:

In this lifetime I have tried to purify my karma,
So that no other affairs hang in my mind.

The gatha says:
With a single thought of compassion, ten Thousand Buddhas smile.
When the Six Perfections are completed, that is the source of many Sages.
All nine grades of lotus flower usher in "Wonderful Purity,"
As the wheel-like brightness of the full moon shines down on the Master's mountain.

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