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154.聆教肃立敬礼 Moving the commander, who, upon hearing the teachings, stood in awe and bowed
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Moving the commander, who, upon hearing the teachings,
stood in awe and bowed

Li inquired, "But why are there monks who are not good?" "There are both sagely and common members of the Sangha," the Master answered. "One cannot see one or two who are worthless and then discredit the rest because of them. One cannot revile Confucius because there are one or two despicable scholars. You, sir, are a commander of soldiers, and although your military discipline is strict, your troops are individuals. Do you expect that all of them be as intelligent and forthright as you? The ocean does not reject a single fish or shrimp, and therein lies its greatness."

The gatha says:
In the sea-like nature of the Buddhadharma nothing is excluded.
The Sangha propagates the Sagely teaching, its workings infinite.
As the Provincial Commander heard the doctrines, he stood in reverence and awe.
He respectfully bowed, stood up erect, then bowed again.

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上一篇:155.夜受教日自新 Having received the teaching in the evening, the commander renewed himself the next day
下一篇:153.片言改恶向善 Changing evil to good with a few more words
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