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156.忏悔皈依三宝 Helping the commander repent and take refuge with the Triple Jewel
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Helping the commander repent and take refuge with the Triple Jewel

Later, on the fourth day of the eighth lunar month, people observed a brilliant ray of golden light, which extended from the summit to the foot of the mountain. The flowers, grasses, and trees all turned a golden-yellow hue. It is said that on the mountain there are to be seen three types of light: Buddha Light, Silver Light, and Golden Light. Although the Buddha Light is occasionally seen, the Silver and Golden Lights rarely appear. Li was greatly moved by this occurrence, and seeking to become a disciple of the Master, took refuge with the Triple Jewel. He requested the Master to assume the general Abbotship of Chi Tsu (Chicken Foot) Mountain, and led his troops down the mountain. If it were not for the Master's eminent virtue in this quiet transformation, how could he have changed the man's thoughts in such a short period of time? Who else but the Master would have been capable of this?

The gatha says:
Martial sternness could not intimidate the great hero.
The Master boldly went to see him; this was his resolve.
Laughable are living beings who are greedy to live and afraid to die,
And who run amok on treacherous paths.

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 换个想法更好 第五篇 心思反映你的人生[栏目:郑石岩教授]



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